

Feeling : tired... dead tired
Listening to : the white stripes - fell in love with a girl


a finger is a hand stripped of bone
i dont know why i'd like to cry
for the epileptic loves of your saints
boxed love from my best friend's
lover sitting on my front lawn
why do i have to smile today
while i watch myself crawl like a puppy dog
my date from paris told me to take a hike
now i dont even know what im doing
up over the mountains the eagle flies
going back to her nest to feed her little babies
jelly fish brains stewed to make an elixir
do you have my corner of the world?
i find my lost passions in a dumpster
finding nirvana in the space between
my eye lids, my eyes and my fists
i'm a vessel of pain and a pen of ink
i worry about the world and everything superficial
scraping my face off my knees
you smile at the honey pouring out of my nose
i wrap my heart in a pair of dirty socks
and throw it at the sharks in the muddy waters
i cut my big toe to feed my enemies
semi-nude prophets walk past my front door
to feed on the crap of the living dead
hello boogie-man, nice to see you!

was too tired to write something new so i put in one of my older pieces... started work in full force today... man am i tired... i gotta get up at 7:00 and reach there by 8:30... im walking too... i dont get paid or anything but atleast i get to know stuff plus i get an experience certificate... and hopefully i might learn how to drive properly too (yea, yea, i know... lets say it together now... LOOOOOOOOSER!!!)... its hard work you know?... the shifts are like 8:30 till 1:00... then 4:30 to 8:30... then add 2 hours of walking (half an hour per trip)... didja know there aint no proper public transport in this bloody place?... no subways, no proper bus service and the taxis cost a load... and since my dads in india for my aunts funeral and my g'dads first death anniversary i gotta walk... it was chachen's (ajnus dad) b'day today... went there... damn its 12:40... good night all...

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