
unreal realities.....

Feeling : trippy...
Listening to : dandy warhols - bohemian like you

"There is nothing more visible than what is secret, and nothing more manifest than what is minute.Therefore the superior man is watchful over himself, when he is alone." - Confucious [The Doctrine of the Mean]

was reading "the doctrine of the mean" earlier on... man confucious makes so much sense even today..... like.... the superior man goes the opposite of the mean and the mean are those who follow a dogmatic route in their short existances before being sent to the better place....well... thats my version of "the doctrine".... its good.....i really want to read "simulacra and simulation" by jean baudrillard....not just coz it was there in the matrix... the idea that sub-cultures are formed out of feeling of joint differences means a lot....anybody out there know where i can get the ebook version of "simulacra..." mail me or leave a comment...thanks...peace all

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