
apologies and other related bull crap

Feeling : sorry but kinda funny too
Listening to : jethro tull - thick as a brick

to all my readers out there... hopefully there are more than two of ya'll... im sorry bout the outburst yesterday... it was coz i was so pissed man... i still feel kinda hurt you know.. but i guess i forgive him... i cant stay mad forever right?.... water under the bridge... lets get onto today... went for one of those ultra-mega-super-duper-holy-hallelujah meetings coz my mom asked me to... ive had enough god to last me a lifetime... i swear i need to balance my yin and yang after that... the evil half of me musta been crying its ass off... there was this song by a guy named sunny... man o man... he sounded like bob dylan after a stroke or something... ouch!!!!... irritated a few ppl in a truly Avinash-ian way (now that helped my evil half ;P )... thats it...

highlights of the day: sunny mammen's song, screwing lakshmi's dinner and fone call...heh heh heh :)- im a bad person!!! im surely going to hell... yipeee!!!

PS: to all you ppl who got offended by any of my remarks today... im sorry... it wasnt me... it was my evil half...

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