
Monkey Pics

sound : Pink Floyd - Money

the mind of the lonesome works in mysterious ways (kinda like god-dude's huh?).... more changes up ahead.... im planning on a new project.... Monkey Pics... a sort of photo group blog thingy... ive sent invites out to everybody but i doubt anybody is going to accept.... im the only jobless one amongst us so i guess im gonna be handling Monkey Pics on my own... i guess all im going to do is post pics there... not planning on writing much... maybe just captions and stuff... basically its just a place to chronicle our worthless existances in pictoral form... click on the link to go to Monkey Pics.... or click here

im also thinking of updating my links... i dont read some of the blogs there cos they've either turned boring and/or they do not update anymore.... plus there are other blogs i read and its too damn hard for me to find them in my unsorted favorites list in IE... so i guess it'll be easier if i put them up in the blog so that i can click on a link and be there fast and not waste any of my precious time searching through my very large and very unsorted favorites list...

on a more random note.... i can't seem to be able to control my hair anymore.... i guess it's revolting against me or something.... i gotta find the gandhian strand of hair who's organising this civil disobedience thing on my head... its like the hair knows that i want it to not go where it goes.... i know i did an evil deed when i cut it but i couldnt help it... i had to do it... i know what i'll do... i'll ask my hair to obey me... plus i'll see if there are any terms or conditions that i'll have to agree to before they listen and agree to those too....


dear gandhian hairs on my head,

i know you're really pissed off by my cutting you guys... i know you guys feel it to be a big (pardon the pun) conspiracy or something, but seriously guys, you know me.... you've been with me since i was born.... have i ever done anything to hurt you?... agreed the years i spent as a kid when i used to spike you up with super strong gel might have hurt you a bit... but come on, all i wanted to do was make you look cool...
i love you guys... all you've ever given me was good looks and stuff... i never wanted to cut you... i swear... its all because of kerala.... (oooh kerala... someday.... one day......).... i like you... you guys havent deserted me yet, you guys are an awesome shade of dirty brown, you guys are curly.... see i really like you.... but if you guys continue doing this i'll have to resort to very strict measures... like today, i went to the store and got myself a can of wet look gel... see.... wet look... i didnt get super strong cos i felt sorry for you... i like you... im a nice guy... i know its all the trauma of being cut short and stuff... if you cooperate i wont use the gel... except maybe for a few special days... otherwise no chemicals... nada....

hoping you guys will cooperate....


the guy you grow from,
The Scarred Philosopher

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