
inter[natio]nal parasites

Listening to : the white stripes - jolene

i realized something... i cant write anymore... i want to write something but i cant... im outta juice... i watched the exorcist on dvd today... the new scenes (i had seen the old version before) are cool... i loved the spider-walk thing she does on the stairs... then there are the faces that pop up in the shadows and stuuf... i prefer "the exorcist" over the "omen" movies anyday... "bride of chucky " was playing on tv today... hmm... went to school to discuss the certificates and stuff (i'm designin them)... all i actually did was sit around and talk to hind and shuroug, pot a few plant (i actually didnt do any potting, just sat around) and had a few cutlets and lemonade which the kids made (today was cooking day)... for the first time i went in and watched suzy teach the kids during their dance lessons... man oh man... its no wonder the kids are all complaining... talk about crap music - backstreet boys, lou bega and believe it or not - BILLY RAY CYRUS of all people... ... i stood there in shock for a while and just left the room... i felt myself getting physically ill... blechhh!... backstreet boys.. brrrr....

the national policy out here is strange... last week there was this case about a girl who was raped by her neighbor and his pal... while doing so they videoed the whole thing on their camera fone and put the vid on the net... the guys are gonna be executed (i dont think they should be executed... castration would be good enough.... actually, execution is ok for rapists), but thats not it... as of now camera fones are banned in this country... i mean what the fuck?.... some freak records a rape and they ban the fone... cant these people understand that such sexual frustration is caused due to their segregation of boys and girls.... atleast they must understand that the human being is a very social animal... deprive a person of contact with the opposite sex and what do you get?... rapists, murderers and terrorists.... think about it... if these assholes spent more time thinking about how they can impress a girl than on things like "killing the infidels" and "fighting the jihad" we'd be in a much better place... im not just talking about islam... its about all religions... its all obsolete... agreed religion is necessary for us pitiful excuses of intelligence as a pseudo-nanny... most of us just need somewhere to turn to when in doubt... its ok.... its not that we all have to be atheists... just dont overdo it... once it gets messy, its useless... all you extremists (im talkin about muslims, x-tians and hindus here), all you manage to accomplish by your stupidity is to prevent us from evolving as a species.... how is progress possible with so much in-fighting?... as a civilization, we humans are most inefficiant... its a miracle how we've come so far...

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