
An Apology

sound : John Lennon - Imagine

An Apology
Follow me into the wild blue yonder,
And see patterns and noises to make you wonder.
Dirty, ugly monkeys.
Damn those monkeys!
Sit on a beach at sunrise
Watch as the mermaids race,
While the unicorns preside over
All that is seen and unseen.
Sing in joy merry little damsel
While we spy the unification
Of all that is physical and non-physical.
Patterns of chaotic order;
Beauty beyond the eyes of a babe
Operatic sea-horses praise gaia.
Oh mother, oh sweet gaia.
Lovely, lovely home and shelter,
Forgive us.
Forgive us,
We are but unworthy maggots
In your ever-welcoming womb.
Forgive us.
Forgive us.

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