
The Tragi-Comedy That Is My Life: Chapter 5468

sound : Cereal Song - bicycle Thief feat. John Frusciante

all the years i've spent moaning and bitching about how unattractive i am... the eons spent cursing god-dude for making me what i am... all the time spent on self-loathing... all of it... for what?... what was the purpose of all that whining?... why did i complain so much?.. the answer is simple... i felt ugly... i'm fat, short and ugly... thats how i see myself... i am insecure and extremely self-conscious...

but wait!... there always is a silver lining...

a few days back i found out from ajnu that i'm considered good looking... not just by anyone though... i'm considered as a "hunk" in the thriving gay community amongst the indian homosexual circles... WHAT THE FUCK?...

god-dude sure has a very sharpend sense of irony... the bastard... (s)he is like the sadistic kid with the magnifying glass who goes around burning poor, defenseless bugs just so as to feel the rush of power (however small it may be) in his/her meaningless existance... i guess right now (s)he must be looking down on me (whilst) laughing his/her head off... why have you forsaken me?... what have i done to you that makes me deserve so much of god-dude's scorn?...

this is taking things one step too far.... we're at war now...

i am avinash "dubya" jose and i declare war!...

all you angels and cherubs.... watch your asses... you've got a very angry fat guy on your nasty little holy tails....

hmm... i had pancakes for dinner... i seriously have got to change my diet...


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