
| Dm | Bb | C | Dm |

sound : Layla (Acoustic) - Eric Clapton

i finally did it!!... i can play layla... agreed my solo isnt as good as clapton but hey!... I CAN FUCKIN PLAY "LAYLA"!!!... how fuckin cool is that.... i can finally say that i am an ok guitarist.... not good yet, but ok... ok's a good start right?....

i know i said tomorrow in the last post but i was either too lazy or too busy... all this packing and stuff... its tougher than i thought... its seriously way more time-consuming than i thought...

the farewell thing went off really well... met siddhart after a real long time... he's working in riyadh.... "it" struck me right then... at the party... thats where "it" struck me... i'm leaving... i'm leaving for good.... this time its not me going off to school or anything... i am leaving this place... my home for 20 years... im leaving my home behind... im leaving everything i had known in my short life back here... most of the people here are like family... i'm leaving them behind... im leaving the only place i've ever called home even though we dont ownthe apartment... everything... it all gets over in one big "KA-BLAAM!!!".... after that its a new life... im all for new beginings and stuff, especially after all the shit i've been through.... but i still feel like there's still something left... i feel like i'm still carrying somebaggage with me... i guess i still haven gotten closure yet... its strange... i fing he pieces of my life finally falling back into place and i still watch for the stray anomaly... i need to find closure... there is still some of the fears of the old me still there... i need to rid myself off of this baggage... i guess the time's still not right... the universe will speak to me when the time is right for me to find closure... maybe then...

it was really touching, the farewell party... all those people coming there just to tell us that they're friends... mama was in rudolf mode the whole time... the song me and mama did went of ok... peter unc's song went off really well.... we had some really classy singing by jukie (OUCH!), jose matthew (DOUBLE OUCH!!) and a duet by dev and nidhin uncle (WTFWJD????)... add to that a speech by Jose "toast-bastard" PM... YEAH BABY, YEAH!!!... it was "fundastic!"...

i exchanged bandanas with shedda (the kid who told me that i should be having a girlfriend... i blogged about that too)... it was real sweet of her... agreed its the same thing but hey... it was a nice gesture and i was all vulnerable and messed up back then (all that leaving thoughts were messing with my brain).... aj and koos weren't there... stronzos.... i wanted them to come but they didnt... i guess i'll forgive them because they got exams...

i remember i blogged a few goodbyes back in january... i guess now's the time to bring out the rest... well, not now... but soon... i doubt i'll get the chance later on...

i feel one of those sentimental "i-love-you-all" type of entry coming up....

"tune in next week. same time, same channel, same asshole for another installment of sentimental crap from the scarred philosopher... this is your friendly neighbourhood narrator-guy signing off..."


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