
"Layla! You got me on my knees."

sound : I'm A Man - The Yardbirds

the blues have soul... the blues have life... i love the blues... eric clapton, jimi hendrix, led zeppelin, robert johnson, the yardbirds... they all make me wanna love music even more... like john lee hooker said, "the blues is the healer".... how frickin true is that?....

maybe the reason i listen to so much of the blues is that i feel it... i feel the blues... no, its not the love songs im talking about... its the feeling of sadness... the feeling of helplessness thats evident in most of the songs... and its not just the feeling of it either... the instrumentation is just plain beautiful... robert johnson revolutionized slide guitar... he is the god of bottleneck blues... layla... enough said... it isnt my fovorite song for no reason... the instrumentation, the vocals, the overall feeling of the song is so very "YEAH!!"...

the past few days have been ok... not too much going on... ive found out certain things about myself and others... nothing big... just stuff... g-kutty unc took us out to dinner yesterday... i waltzed into the restaurant like some big artist... guitar on my back and stuff.... dinner was good... unlike the last time i wasnt sick so i could eat without any qualms..... heh heh heh... that sure does make my day... then we went to baskin and robins and had some icecream... yummy... im 20 and i still drool at the sigh of icecream... its incredible... i astound myself at times....

there you go... another meaningless post just for the sake of posting...

my life is full of excitement!...


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