

sound : A Boy Named Sue - Johnny Cash

we went to yunus uncle's (kader and kadeer's younger brother) place today.... they came over and dani aunty gave me a cd... johnny cash's "Man in Black"... the two cd set... this cos she heard me quote johnny cash when i was asked to speak about leaving saudi arabia... so yunus uncle was like "come over... check out my collection and copy what you want"... who wouldn't say yes to that offer...

well we go there... and WOW!... i was like the proverbial kid in the toy store... i was the kid in the biggest fuckin toy store ever!..... he has a collection of like 300+ cds... man oh man!.... he has everything from johnny cash to bob dylan to simon and garfunkel to leonard cohen to hendrix to marvin gaye to jeff beck.... i was all aweating and freaking out.... i went through the whole thing and picked out exactly 115 cds.... those are not individual cds im talking about... 1-1-5 titles... some of em are sets so there must be over 150 cds.... and i gotta rip em and burn em and return them... thats all man... i aint gonna have to download music for a little whil;e now... im one happy camper.... so much music... ive arranged them on my table according to artist and i feel beautiful... it just looks and feels beautiful... akshay told me that i looked like lester bangs as he is depicted in almost famous... heh heh heh... now that makes me happy...

...and thus the scarred philosopher rides off into the sunset... no, he didn't get the girl, but he is content... he can play "layla", he has his guitar and one heck of a music collection... hell yeah!... the perfect ending to a not-so perfect day....


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