
John Paul Jones makin magick Posted by Hello

... and that ladies and gentlemen is a mandolin/12 string/ 6string guitar!!!

sound : Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused

t leaves tomorrow in the afternoon... at least shes comin back in december... everybody's gonna be back in december... t, arun, neet... wow... it might be tha last time i can see all of us together... i know i can see everyone again but the chances of getting all of us together at one spot... thats like one in a million or something...

Rant # 117

i crave... i WANT... but i do not NEED... i know this rant seems really repetitive but i cant help it... i cannot control my wanton feelings... i really WANT this... i know we're short on resources right now but does doin it on my own justify as not being greedy and selfish on my part... what if i take the whole brunt of my enterprise?... will it pardon me of selfishness?... will my guilt magically heal itself knowing i havent burdened anyone?...

And when i quench my WANT will i WANT again?.. but what if it is not WANT anymore?... what if i NEED?... and when i NEED, will it be necessary to quench the NEED to stem my WANTs?...

i've got the cash... do i get the guitar?


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