

sound : Led Zeppelin - Kashmir

Places I want to go/Things I want to see (in no particular order):

  • The Shaolin Temple (Tibet)
  • Meteora (Greece)
  • The Louvre (Paris) [technically i've already been there but i was just 2 yrs old]
  • The Amphitheatre (Greece)
  • The Pyramids of Giza
  • M'achu Picchu (Peru)
  • The Christ of the Andes (Brazil)
  • The Taj Mahal (Agra)
  • Easter Island
  • The Galapagos
  • The Congo Basin (awesome photographic opportunity)
  • The Amazon (ditto)
  • Thailand (to get some of their renowned tattoos)
  • The Great Barrier Reef (For an underwater photo shoot)
  • Scandinavia (good beer and dream of Valhalla)
  • Germany (more beer)
  • The Cathedral of Notre Dame (Paris)
  • Rennes le Chateau (France)
  • Havana (for cigars)
  • The Vatican (gotta see the basilica)
  • St Petersburg
  • New York City
  • Bombay (I really gotta see what the big deal is about the place, ive never been there for more than 12 hours and the last time i was there i was robbed [the bastards!])
  • Seychelles
  • Stonehenge (England)
  • The Mayan Pyramids (Mexico)
  • Japan
  • Morocco
  • Timbuktu

i cant seem to think of any more right now... but i know this list is incomplete... theres so much i havent put here...


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