

sound : Book Of Saturday - King Crimson

i went on a circuit around MG road in cochin... frankly speaking, of what i saw... cochin isn't all that it's hyped up to be... agreed i didn't go anywhere but hey... it didn't seem all too interesting in my eyes...

at first i went to music world... it was 9 in the morning and music world was closed... they said they'd open at 10, so i think to myself, "why not go for a walk?"... so i walk down the road, all the while getting sared at.... i walk into this bookstore (don't remember the name) and look around... the ac is busted so it's boiling in there... not to forget the fact that it's a million degrees outside... the shop was kinda small but they had a lot of good books... as usual i ask for Anthony Keidis' "Scar Tissue", they've never heard of it.... well i'm just browsing and i see "holy blood, holy grail"... ii'm thniking why not but then i realise i need to hit music world... i walk all the way back to music world and you know what?... it's still closed... i look around and i see a planet m across the road... and it was open!... i go there and look around... cd prices have gon down in india... last time i was here they were 550 bucks a cd... right now they're 390.... now thats real nice... plus planet m has all the good stuff... cream, zeppelin, the who, king crimson... everything... good stuff... i bought king crimson's "Larks' Tounges In Aspic"... it was only 290 bucks!... the 30th anniversary, 24 bit remaster...

then i walk all the way to manuel industries in my never-ending search for a slide and a capo.... they had slides alright... but for hawaiian guitar, not finger slides... and i didnt like their capo... what the heck, i sat down and started fooling around with their guitars... there was this 12 string that i kinda liked... just Rs 1950.... i was playing around with a spanish guitar when this big, australian guy comes up to me and asks me if i play... he was there buying traditional indian instruments for his collection and stuff... he picks yup a guitar and we both played stairway together... after tht he took his stuff and left... the cool thing is that through this whole thing we didnt bother finding out the others' names... we spoke about zeppelin and crimson and clapton and bowie and stuff (this guy was oldish... about 50 or something).... thats how we got to playing stairway... he was way better than me though... none-the less, it was cool....

i guess i've had one of those things known as a good day... it's been so long since i've had one....

PS: i'm trying to download MSN messenger here... the connection is really fucked up, it gets disconnected every half hour... as soon as i get it i'll let everyone know....

PPS: i'll post a review of "Larks' Toungue in Aspic" as soon as i listen to it...


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