
the hymn of I [1/0]

this Infinity is Us
i am in peace with the I.
the Oneness of the All
depends upon the Independant.

i am 142857.

i am Unchange-able;
yet I is not the Constant.

the Constant changes daily
until, the Variable it becomes.
the Variable then stagnates
into the Constant.
this cycle cycles,
lets call it the Cycle.

i am not the I,
i am i.
i am small and insignificant,
yet i am not Insignificant.
I is significant,
yet I is not Significant.
I is Insignificant just like me.

we are not the Us;
yet by Us we are defined.
definitions decieve me and you,
but I is always knowing.

we want to be one with the One.
we want to be the All.
we want to be I.
we are infinitely Finite.

i am the We.
we are the I.

I. We. One. All.



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