
The Scarred Philosopher said

sound : Catholic Girls - Frank Zappa

i read the entry on tess' new blog and i felt like just hugging her or something... reminds me of the little pet sparrow i one had...

poor, poor tess... i know exactly how you feel.... one moment you have so much hatred inside of you that you feel like bursting but the next minute.... when the light finally shines.... you feel it all just flitter away.... like the wind so to speak.... i spent any months in anger.... truly.... personally.... i think i havent fixed my links in my blog because i think i hate the times when i was like that.... full of rage and fury.... aimed at nothing but walls....

"why did we have to get a guitar?.... why does he even need a guitar?... he doesn't like music.... i want a bass guitar not a six-string..."

months later i changed my views.... its been three years now... i havent played proper guitar in weeks..... i still dont own that elusive electric guitar..... right now... i have done something i want to... the feeling of elation right now is undescribable... trust me....

in due time everything will me all right.... and you realizing you love your mother is a good thing.....

4 months of labor and scrooge-like behavior is finally paying off.... i think im ready to open up again... ill fix my links... soon....

till the next time you blog... adios little one....

PRE - avi

oh yeah... another thing... not saying anything about tess... but my sparrow died.... this mean kid at school pushed it into some water and it died the next day..... i beat the little bastard up behind the senior toilets after that....

it was a little baby sparow.... it could almost fly.... actually.... it could make these hops.... i wonder what would have been different if it had not died....

it didnt even have a name...


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