sound : Ball and Buscuit - The White Stripes
it feels so good to hear a familiar voice from time to time... most folks are lucky to have their friends around them all the time but for someone who hasn't seen their real friends in a while, just hearing their voices feels so damn good.... it's wierd what deafness can do to you....
last thing i remember i was sitting on top of the purple mushroom sipping hot chocolate...... just moments before i had punched the pink gorilla for stealinmg my nuts... the bastard!... remember the kid who sat next to you in the third grade... well, he's a cross-dressing drag queen at a major broadway show... oh hell, im on the moon again....
my only escape from this loneliness is my reading and music... i just finished paolho coehlo's "eleven minutes".... it was awesome.... totally different for him.... and right now... i started "hammer of god" by arthur c clarke.... hmm....
i stole the chocolate pudding!... i stole jesus' thunder!... ha ha ha!... my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, damn right it's better than your's... my cock is bigger than your's... bwahahahaha!!!
i just realized something... its less than a month till i reach the US... what will this new chapter of my life hold for me?... will i fare better off than now or will things just get worse.... my intuition says things are going to get better but theres always murphy's law to help fuck up things....
wait a munute mr munchkin man.... dont you know my name?... im famous all around these here parts for being kinda lame... hey why not we play a game of poker?.... i can try to get the fuhrer to join us... maybe then we can ask the dude about his funky moushtache and what not.... hey.... gandhi just farted... heh heh heh... last night i was playing twister with nefertitii and cleopatra when plato ran into the room screaming something about him spouting a tail or something and promptly laid himself on the ground and fell into a drunken stupor... the poor sod... bllimey guv'nor don't choo got some chimneys to sweep?....and what abewt the ungle who lewed in the jungle?... did he cem in yea loorry?... did he say soorry?... screw it... in the werds of a most great philoosepher, "life is a saang, saang it!"....
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