
"He had a lot to say... He had a lot of nothing to say..."

sound : Take, Take, Take - The White Stripes

today morning, i met maynard in church... he was there in the choir with judith singing "Eulogy"... i asked him what he was doing in church and he just said that he was trying something new.... i left the church in a state of confusion only to witness a boy being crushed under an ant... the poor bastard...

i met jochu today (well he aint jochu... he calls himself joel or jojo now) anyways, hes a good kid... spoke to him for a while and stuff... he aint the same round little kid that always asked for "molachis" anymore... sheesh... why do we have to age?....

i went to a store to get myself some rat poison and guess who was there?... NOBODY!!!

i got a call from saritha today... she seems happy... spoke for a while and stuff... yeah... it felt nice to know that people haven't forgotten me yet... aj must be in malluland now... why hasn't she called... i dont have her number... papa seems to have misplaced it... aj, if you're reading this CALL ME!!!!.....

had dinner with a monkey.... he claimed that he was adolf hitler reincarnated in animal form... i told him to shove off and i ate his french fries....

went over to sus aunty's place yesterday and met tkchen uncle, sus aunty and jaimie.... spoke for a while and stuff... saw a few recent photos... it felt good...

"I saw Rita Heyward there
And it was all that I needed!"

i wish i were on the moon... maybe then i'd understand everything.... everything... why do i even bother?...


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