
me: the life-whore

Listening to : tool - h

why do i prefer being alone and miserable over the company of other so-called normal human beings... agreed i like being with some of my friends (i stayed over at t's place last nite cos i promised her id cook for her)... but meeting new ppl?... uh huh... nope... before i used to love meeting new ppl... but now... id rather be a lonely bastard than mingle with these leeches known as ppl... look around you... we're all surrounded by morons... and because of the extreme number of morons around us we exist in a plane of distorted norms... i wish i could wipe out all the loser morons in one big sneeze or something... the amount of dirty karmic energy surrounding us is inconcievable... i hate myself.... i wish i could just stop existing... i dont want this anymore... nothing is good... shit.... happiness is either nonexistant or very very very very scarce... so scarce that you'd have to search right up your ass with a knife to find it... are you truly loved while you dwell in unending hatred?...

"The snake behind me hisses
What my damage could have been.
My blood before me begs me
Open up my heart again.

And I feel this coming over like a storm again."

blech... all this numbing constancy bores me... i do not find any pleasure of the psyche in this dirty plateau... dirty dirty loneliness... emotional stagnation caused by the stranded mind of a worm.... i am worthless because of my lack of paper power... paper power... the bastard son of the shylock industrialistic tyrants... pigs... nothing is available with what you have... you need supposed scholarly thought patterns in the direction of the earth for your short, pointless lives of unnecassary hoarding... fuck it... fuck you... fuck your complacence... fuck your ignorance... fuck your egos... fuck your holier-than-thou attitudes... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you... fuck you...

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