
i am a flesh eater again!!!!

Listening to : yeah yeah yeahs - maps

yesterday i sat down and typed out a huge entry and guess what... my pc crashes and it all goes... after that i just went off to bed... my pc is dieing... last week were the results for the 12th and 10th graders out here... t got 85%, neethu - 68%, lini - 68% and sreekala - 90%... man if i got scores like that i would have been running round jeddah naked or something... they all be real smart...

yesterday all of us went way out to tuwal to eat fish the real arab way... it was good... i broke my veganism after 5 months... as of yesterday im a carnivore... aj brought steffi along and i saw her after many moons (months actually)... there was grass there and everybody was trying to do handflips and stuff... imagine... me 92 kilos... and i can still pull off my old stuff... everything except the backflip... im scared of that cos i WILL (theres no might here) dislocate my shoulder again... afterwards i was comin home in g-kutty unc's car and he missed the exit in the highway... we reached home at 3:15 in the night... i stayed up a little while and found out t's marks, chatted with laksh and neeth for a while and as i was typing out an entry... POOF!!!... the pc crashes....

"Cuz I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna watch it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away."

as of last thursday i have officially quit work... ok not officially... i havent told the guys at the workshop yet... but atleast this time mama has agreed... and plus this karate teaching gig at mamas school means cashola... so hey... and plus im looking for another job... anybody out there know where i can get a job in jeddah email me ASAP....

im thinking of doing a fictional blog or something of the sort... something in the likes of "the blog of my left pinky" or "the blog on the formation of a turd" etc.... thats a good idea... lemme think about it...

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