
From ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Feeling : alive
Listening to : TOOL - Third Eye

things have been kinda messy over the past two weeks... three days back there was an accident.... a school bus accident... seven girls and one teacher died (R.I.P.)... it was really sad... got me thinking about Shihab (a class-mate of mine who died the year before last in a freak train accident), my g'dad and susamma aunty... in the saudi gazzette there was no explanation on how the accident happened but in the local mallu papers they said that a saudi tried to cut the school bus off and the driver, trying to save the bus from crashing into the car swerved off the road and toppled over a few times and hit a lamp post.... it was really sad... all those kids- so young... their whole lives ahead of them and POOF!... its over...so many injured and in the hospital right now and the worst part... two of the kids who died were the daughters of the driver... really shitty all this... the saudi guiy who tried to cut them off... he should be castrated and fed to the vultures... stupid sonovabitch!! how can the bastard sleep at night knowing that all this was because of him?...

last week i was like "im quitting work to search for something that pays me atleast a little money"... i stayed at home till sunday and then my moms says i gotta go back to work... atleast for a month she says... they dont understand how it is... i started goin so that i would get an experience certificate and hopefully learn to drive... its been three months and i still havent learnt how to drive... i had asked my dad and he had to act like a prima donna and say no like the prick he is... all this because i think... i shudda not thought about the moral implications of stealing the car and teaching myself how to drive when i was thirteen... you get screwed over by your own morality... plus i was in boarding school the whole time so i never got a chance there either... now i go back to work on monday and when i get there the owner of the workshop tells me to take a break for a week (WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!) cos the cops and the labor dept are going around taking ppl working without work permits to jail... so here i am at home... dreaming abou the money i dont have which ill use to get myself a nice electric guitar and an amp and distortion pedals and listening to lots of zeppelin, APC and TOOL...

was jaimie's bday today... went over there and stuff... they returned from egypt last thursday... t gave me a bookmark with heiroglyphic markings on it... and guess which book im reading?... "The Eye of RA" by michael asher....heh heh heh... lakshmi gave me the fifth season of friends on divx.... the stupid thing wouldnt play on my fossil of a pc... so ill be goin over there on friday to watch it at her place... aaah "eulogy"... one of my fave songs of all time just started playing just now... "He had alot to say. He had alot of nothing to say. We'll miss him.".... i swear the percussion intro is awesome... danny carey's use of the tom toms are awesome...

i asked one of the guys in the gym if he knew anyplace where i can get a job... he said hell ask around and tell me... ill be seeing him tomorrow... lets just hope he gets something for me... the air conditioner in my rooms been busted for he past few days... i havent been sitting online for that long, havent been playing guitar because its soo fucking hot... imagine working in a workshop under an asbestos roof with no airconditioning... plus the temeratures reach 35-40 degrees... celcius that is... its friggin sweltering out here... then you come home and you cant enjoy the comfort of sitting in your room and relaxing because you a/c is busted... damn life is for the dogs... hail crappola....

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