
Damn you RIAA!! Damn you!!

Listening to : nothing :(

my hard disk died!!!... it has kicked the proverbial bucket... all my mp3s, all my poems, all my ebooks... gone!!... but wait... i gave the hard disk to sunil unc cos he says theyve got good data recovery ppl working at his bank... cool... the guy at the shop was like "im sorry, its gone..." bah... what does he know... plus sunil unc says he can get ua a pc for dead cheap from the bank... wow... but man was i bummed or what... right now im using one of the pcs from mama's school... if my hard drive is deemed unrescuable (is that even a word?) i guess ill end up using this pc only on weekends... but man do i miss my music... it must be some magick by the RIAA for downloading so many (about 2000, thats excluding the ones ive burnt to cds... if i add those me and arun would have collectively done about 10000 songs!!!) songs.... yeah... not saying that all magick is bad... but theres always the other side to all the shit that surrounds us right?...

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