

sound : Alfosskor Song - Sigur Ros

i'm drunk again!... and on a weekday....

liquid coke shots kick ass!!!




sound : A Sight To Behold - Devendra Banhart

"But love it could be much better.... i know....."

betwixt all of this music of our present time and space lies freak folk.... also known as acid folk or more commonly, new weird america.....

what exactly is this "new weird america"?..... everything unclassifiable and folk but not merely folk, but also having hints of jazz, classical or even spoken word poetry recital is put under this huge umbrella-genre that is still way too misunderstood (for better, if you ask me).....

joanna newsum, devendra banhart, tortoise, jackie-o motherfucker (yes, that really is their name!), vibracathedral orchestra.... what is it that these people do that makes them stand out so?.... what makes their wails and moans the essence of a the modern musical movement (agreed they have had predecessors like dylan, cohen and even cat stevens) ?.... and why do we even bother to listen to their (almost always) lo-fi recirdings of mushrooms and gasoline and rainbows and walruses?....

is this the new punk?....

i think i'm in love with joanna newsom!



"I love you, you're my friend!" Part Deux

sound : please remember me - swans

yesterday was hilarious.....

uh huh

i swear... it started out bad...
four of us went on the liquor run.... me, pedro shirley and melissa.... melissa is a kid.... she's jessie's little sister... she's 16....
well melissa came along cos she wantwed an icee....
hold on a sec....


ok... well...
we took an hour and a half to get melissa's slurpee cos she's all picky and stuff....
by then it's 11...
then we go to pedro's house cos pedro wanted to get stuff...
we get out of there by 11:30...
then we try all the liquor stores i knoew... all closed at 11...!!!!

heh hehe hehe

we go to walmart..... over there i see my druggy stoner ex-neighbour..... he directs me to an out of the way liquor store thats 24 hours but its in the
outskirts of the wotrld....
we get there fine.... as i park the girls are like... "this is like a slasher pic"...
think of the most dingiest bar you can imagine.....
like something out of AN 80S ACTION MOVIE....
its in the middle of nowhere.... the parking lot is full of trucks, bikes and stuff....

heh heh heh

the girls tell me they intend to dstay in the car cos they're scared.... they cluim under pedro's blanket and hide there.....
me and pedro step out..... its all quiet and stuff....
we open the door and its like the fog special effect in kairali... we're blanketed by cigarette smoke.....
the inside of the place is all dark and dirty... there's a dude passed out on a table... there's a band playing the blues... a bunch of old people
dancing.... old ladies cackling and laughing,.,,,,
they're all dressed like cowboys and stuff... the place reeks....


this old drunk dude with a humongous smile waves at me.... and i wave back just for fun....
then we go to the back where the store is and i buy the vodka.... but they didnt have the stuff for the girls.... light stuff.... smirnoff and stuff....
so pedro and i get back into the car with the vodka in hand and the girls finally crawl out of the blanket...
we start on our way home....
it's me driving right?.... and its the middle of nowhere...
we got lost......
we passed by an airport none of us have ever heard of before....
we went to plant city.... thats a whole other city....
and passed through a small town like place wih just like 10 buildings.... and it was all quiet... jno peopple or anything.... just like the town in house of
thats what melissa told me....
well about 2 hours later we reach home....
by then people are pissed... we were gone fopr a clean 3 hours.....
they watched never been kissed on tv.... advertisements and all....
heh heh heh

heh heh..
thts hilarious

its just starting....
phil had to go home.... shirley's mom called her so she had to go too...
mama c...... well thats what we call jessie's mom..... mrs collard..... she took my keys saying nobody's gonna drive drunk..... :D
and we start.....
we played waterfall.... then some "i have never" game.... it was hilarious.....
at that time there was pedro, shunda, jessie, michelle, kelsey and i.....

hee hee

well by the end of it..... michelle was kinda wasted..... i was guzzling vodka like nobody's business so i was kinda buzzed too.... kelsey and jessie were
sorta buzzed too....

heh heh...
yeah.. i can picture it..

i was mixing and it was all kinda strong...
absolut with tropical fruit punch....
by the end of the day i kissed kelsey... actually i kissed everybody but me and kelsey had some tongue going....
then everybody went to sleep wherever.... i wasnt sleepy and kelsey was the only one who was awake....
we spoke till 6:30 in the morning.....
thats when i got a pissed off call from papa.... and then WW III took place when i reached home...



"Now keep it in your pants, sucker!"

sound : sucker (feat. norah jones) - peeping tom

wow.... did i just hear norah jones say "mother fucker"?....




sound : disintegration - the cure

and to think i was on a mini hiatus on acocunt of pseudo, cash induced happiness....

yes, yes... this is the day... the great sequence of major christo-semitic importance... the date sequencing three digits that send waves of fear down the backs of Xtian muttawas worldwide.... the day that everu esoterist wannabe goes down into their parents basement hoping for contact with mr crowley himself (screw you guys... i spoke to him last night).... break out the robert johnson records assholes.... its the day....

the sixth of july in this most horrid year of our lord saviour (?), 2006....

july 6th; 2006 Ana Domini (era vulgari)...



and what, you ask, does this have to do with anything?.... well, NOTHING!!!

ok... let me be serious here.... i'm stepping out of my "cocky i-know-it-all" ego de plume.... out of my "i-complain-a-lot-but-i-aint-emo"self.... let me get down and dirty here....

i'm fucking scared....


i lost my job today... well, i didn't lose it, i got my ass fired.... and for what?... cos i wasn't "cut out for the job".... oh well,i could moan and bitch for a hundred thousand years about that..... but no, that is not what i'm worried about....


remember all the times i've always said i hate growing up?... well, this is exactly why.... truthfully, i live way beyond my means..... don't get me wrong, it's all planned and everything.... but yeah.... i believe in the best..... i buy good stuff, i eat good food, i get a few drinks from time to time.... but its always because i HAVE the money for it...... i have money for myself and i use my money for around the house.... i give my folks more than 75% of all the money i earn and i stil have enough to live happily on....

well, i have a $400 car payment on the 15th, an $80 phone bill on the 24th, a $500 and a $200 credit card balance..... and, well.... i have twenty three dollars and thirty six cents in my checking account and no source of income...

what the fuck am i going to do?...
