
a bad mix of bowie, boredom and just plain stupidity after reading a bulletin on myspace....

sound : Moonage Daydream - David Bowie
true that most of us "penile-folk" would never think of a kind gesture without provocation from the the "ones with emotion".... yes, we as men are all bastards roaming the earth in search of glittery things and mundane activities that should suposedly set our puny little minds free.... what minds?.... we have no minds.... but wait, there are the few of us who have true (read genuine) emotions.... those starnge, wierd freaks are wierd and few.... to quote some asshole from somewhere, "seek and ye shall find"... (what?... the bible?.... harry potter?... oh balls!)... i cant stop this crazy rant!!! but wait, i hear the frickin reptiles under my feet... those bastards!.. must clear my head.... must make myself sane... must, must, must.... aaaah! those slimey reptiles! THEY'RE IN MY BODY FOR MAYNARD'S SAKE!!! GET THEM OUT! GET THEM OUT!.... need sanity... must... replenish... brain...been listening to too much bowie..... but wait, is there such a thing as "too much bowie"?...

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