
a bad mix of bowie, boredom and just plain stupidity after reading a bulletin on myspace....

sound : Moonage Daydream - David Bowie
true that most of us "penile-folk" would never think of a kind gesture without provocation from the the "ones with emotion".... yes, we as men are all bastards roaming the earth in search of glittery things and mundane activities that should suposedly set our puny little minds free.... what minds?.... we have no minds.... but wait, there are the few of us who have true (read genuine) emotions.... those starnge, wierd freaks are wierd and few.... to quote some asshole from somewhere, "seek and ye shall find"... (what?... the bible?.... harry potter?... oh balls!)... i cant stop this crazy rant!!! but wait, i hear the frickin reptiles under my feet... those bastards!.. must clear my head.... must make myself sane... must, must, must.... aaaah! those slimey reptiles! THEY'RE IN MY BODY FOR MAYNARD'S SAKE!!! GET THEM OUT! GET THEM OUT!.... need sanity... must... replenish... brain...been listening to too much bowie..... but wait, is there such a thing as "too much bowie"?...


Warning: Very penile-brained post ahead....

sound : L'Via L'Viaquez - The Mars Volta

ok.... what do i say?... my day hasn't been all too good..... what?... is this the old philosopher again?... the one who used to moan and whine and bitch at the world?.... hmm... no!.... this is just a rant.... an exercise in, what do you say?.... letting off some unwanted steam.... a mental fart..... an emotional fart to be exact.....

i'm broke.... yes, my dear ladies and germs.... im broke.... well not exactly broke but almost there.... i have $88 in the bank..... what have i been spending my money on?... well, i dont know.... led zeppelin t-shirts, eric clapton LPs, maynard buttons.... yup.... i've caught a bug here.... im a rock memorabilia/collectible whore..... some people are booty whores and others are fashion whores and some others are television whores but i am a rock memorabilia/collectible whore (and a supposed walmart whore, it's a joke between diana and me, she dragged me into "the evil place" and she's been calling me a walmart whore ever since...)... but, i have made up my mind.... i am gonna go all OCD on my finances.... no more on the whim cds.... im not gonna go onto ebay for a while..... i'm gonna fix this.....

today, this totally ghetto-fied customer comes and tells me that i'm too pretty to be a boy.... i didnt know whether it was a complement or an insult.... she comes upto me and asks me where i was from.... being a true patriot i say "INDIA!" and thens she says, "i swear it boy, you too damn cute to be a boy!"... then i had these hindi-movie style flashbacks of diana saying "avi, you are not too much of a guy-guy.".....(later on she told me that she said it in the context that i dont comment on a girls ass or boobs when i see them.... but hey... thats not my style.... i keep it to myself.... maybe i'm one of those uber-sexual-freak who kills his victims and uses their skin for toilet paper or something.... or maybe, just maybe.... i should become a transvestite..... it would be very hard.... all my body hair.... i've got fur.... and trust me, im not into the whole waxing thing..... i guess i'd be a french transvestite or something..... )

but then, thanks to this cute chick i had to help, i thought otherwise....

here's this real hot chick in very typical mall-slut clothing.... abercrumbs and bitch and all that.... you know..... the typical every girl of the western hemisphere.... the perpetual artificial tan, the perfect teeth, flip flops, giggles and size c cups.... the ones i call "the cute bubble-heads"...

she drew me hearts on the signing thing for her credit card because i was "cute and funny"...

i love being a guy.....


PS: but, there is a downside though, being "cute and funny" doesn't get me any....


cum-drenched moralistic rave about your mothers... of invention

sound : road house blues - the doors

balls to it all.... i feel like rambling but i have no topic... hot topic... huh?.... ooh, there is this cute girl who works there with two piercings in her lip.... yeah..... real cute little thing.... plus she's a maynard fan.... what more could a man ask for?.... oh yeah... i wore my flourescent green tie today...... i love that tie.... makes me feel so god-damn powerful..... but seriously.... richard meltzer is god.... but yeah... what do i say?.... a hot tie is a powerful ally... you have so many people who come up to you and you feel like your body flies through the cosmic wastes that is where ever you are.... oh well.... like serj says, "banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie"....

screw this cum-drenched moralistic rave about your mothers... of invention.... "bring out your dead mother fuckers!".... i can't get no flow here..... help me jesus..... seriously, wtfwjd?....

help me bowie... help me find myself in the jungle boogaloo, flippety flappety floo mess that is... huh?.... what?... yeah.... ok.... come on baby, light my fire godammit!... what the heck?... its ll bollocks anyway....

im in no mood for this....balls.... im gonna go to sleep.... funny little instrumental improvs for the pzychadelic isn't helping me.... im buzzing and kinda pissed at this... balls.... im going to bed... goodnight fart-holes.....



"Jesus is my homeboy."

sound : Vicinity of Obscenity - System of a Down

i don't get it.... what's with all the bloody hubba hubba over this cartoon... i mean seriously... i wouldn't freak out when somebody makes a cartoon about eric clapton would i?... ok, let's do a test.... to all you bible thumping, holy folks... here....

what say you?.... (although i doubt there'd be more than two people seeing this.....)

but seriously.... isn't it just people over-reacting?... i mean come on, good fuck man! does a cartoon let you kill people?.... oh well.... such are the ways of man....

us humans.... what dumbasses...
