
"Damn boy!... You got the prettiest eyes!"

sound : Who Are You - The Who

"a flower and a brillo please..."

"gimme a rose and a chore-boy.... thanks man...."

"umm... do you... like.. sell the rose-flower thing and the ... umm... brillo?..."

"hey there... the usual please...."

its funny how everything has changed... i feel totally at ease selling paraphernalia that boosts decadance... i sell lottery tickets and lotto numbers... i sell everything that is considered evil.... yes ladies and germs... i work in thomas uncle's store now... just so that i can learn the ropes.....

the shops located in a real tough neighbourhood on nebraska street... real tough... drug peddlers and crack whores galore... plus all the junkies you can even dream of... you get to meet everyone... the serious faced stoners... the happy crack-heads... the trash-talking trailer trash couple.... the hardcore bikers and possibly every other type of person imaginable....

remember in one of the previous posts i asked why i never met the interesting people... well, wish granted.... a huge (and i mean huge... she/he/it must be over 6 feet tall) black transvestite tells me, and i quote, "Damn boy!... You got the prettiest eyes!".... i was like... "thanks.... i think..."... and yesterday, this crack whore who just got out of the local pen in the morning tells me that i'm sexy... i guess she thought i had some cash on me...

there's this church across the road from the shop... a baptist church... so once in a whiule you get to see the "praise the lord" type of people.... one lady from the church comes and asks me what i use on my hair because she thought it looked real nice.... she said it looked like i just walked out of a salon.... this was at 5 in the evening... i had combed my hair at 7 in the morning before leaving for work... so people in india, "Set Wet" really works.... "very, very sexy"... heh heh heh....

there's this thing that we sell... its called a "rose"... it's a little plastic rose inside a small glass tube.... everybody knows that people who buy the rose remove the little flower and use the glass tube to snort coke.... then there's the usual things... the ball point pen used in the same way... all you gotta do is remove the refill and use it.... plus there's the brillo... a copper dish cleaning scrubber.... the junkies burn the coke and the scrubber and snort the stuff through the tube.... onto the next thing.... the phillies.... cigars.... cheap cigars... just 60 cents each.... they buy the phillies and remove the tobacco and roll them into joints.... yeah.... i'm working in heaven.... heh heh heh....

the day before yesterday this man came up and bought lottery tickets for US$ 225..... the poor bastard... he must have spent almost all his weekly earnings on the lottery....

about the place where we live... i really like it... after living in a big crouded city my whole life, this quite suburbian type of lifestyle really appeals to me... the only problems is that getting from A to B is a pain in the ass... everything is so far away.... for example, i'd have to get a car no matter what.... because getting to college would be near impossible for me otherwise.... the closest bus-stop is 2 miles away and then i'd have to travel for about a half hour to get to the nearest college from here.....

finally, i'm in a place where i feel thin... most people here are fatter than me so i dont feel all bloated up... heh heh heh....

we're still crashing in with thomas uncle because our flat isnt ready yet... they're like doing all the maintenance and repairs so it might take another 2 or 3 days.....

i went to church today.... the little kid sitting infront of me had a toy grenade in his pocket.... i couldn't help but smile everytime he pulled it out and made like he was throwing it at something....

florida's good... but like i told hammsa yesterday, there's something about jeddah that i miss.... i dunno what it is.... when i was there i hated the place but now i miss it... what is wrong with me?.... its just something... something makes me feel -

INCOMPLETE! [drops down to his knees and clutches his chest with his left hand while grotesquely twisting his face into a mask of extreme pain like his balls are being squeezed, then a wind comes up and blows leaves all about and he grabs a handfull of sand and throws it into the air, which inturn falls promptly into his eyes...]

heh heh heh....minto looks like a backstreet boy.... he looks like that kevin guy.... heh heh heh.... i cant stop making fun of him about that.... he's even got the beard.... heh heh heh....

so goodbye my dear munchkins... we shall meet at another time... the same place, another time and another circumstance.... ta ta.....


PS: minto, akshay and i are gonna go and watch batman returns today.... we got free tickets!... bwa ha ha ha suckers!....

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