
i hate this numbing constancy...

Feeling : bored
Listening to : the awesome threesome in tool's lateralus: disposition, reflection and triad

didnt go to work for the past two days cos i had a fever.... sat around doing nothing.... today i realized my hair is getting outta control... like at work when i put on my cap and it looks like im hiding a forest underneath... think ill start tieing my hair or something... but the problem with tieing my hair is that the front part... it doest reach all the way back.... theres like 3/4th of an inch more.... but i guess it will be ok if i keep my cap on at all times... it would have been fine if my hair were straight... my hair aint straight... its mega curly.... thats good actually.... but kinda tough to handle... ok heres a question to all you ladies out there - i have thick curly hair (brownish) shampoo makes it all knotted and tangled and stuff... i dont mind the curls... gimme a remedy for the knottedness....thanks... im bored stiff... bah.... im goin to bed...

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