
Dead birds and old folks

Feeling : calm
Listening to : Audioslave - Shadow on the Sun

I saw the most beautiful thing today... on my way to work i saw this dead dove on the road.... it was lying flat on its back... flat... its wings were spread out and its legs were pointing downwards and its tail was spread open like a fan.... and did i mention it was flat?... yeah.... musta been crushed by a car or something... there was no blood and it wasnt all squishy or gooey or anything it was dry... maybe it was dry because of the heat out in these parts (???)... its head was facing its left and it just looked fucking beautiful... yea i know... you ppl out there must be like "what kind of a sick bastard is he?"... well, i aint a sick bastard... i never said i liked seeing dead animals... i just said it was beautiful... it looked so peaceful yet so horribly twisted... so truthful yet very fake... so fucking cool.... i musta stood there staring at the bird for like 2 minutes... already im avoided on the streets for looking like some sorta hairy pachydermoid-monkey (whatever the fuck that is!!!)... now im staring at a dead bird... there was this one old guy (must be like 70 or something) whom i noticed as i was walking away... he was looking at me like i was a looney or something... stupid piece of *^&%*&!!!

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