sound : Tallahassee - EARTH
Here we go again... me and my fuckin' sob story... that's all i seem to do on this thing..... that may be the only reason i still have this thing is to rant and rave when shit hits the fan....
i feel like i'm being stabbed... in the back... and if anybody complains about my grammar or punctuation (or the lack thereof) can kiss my ass... i really don't give a fuck... i'm here to work out some aggression....
i've got to find some way to flip this switch... i have so much pent up inside me but no way to get a release... i hate this frustrated trapped feeling..... damn this thing.....
I'm thinking about restarting my GOD musical project... although with a little change.... i'm actually thinkin of a droney stoner metal doom thing... i don't know... lets see how that goes....
i feel like i have wasted potential... ideas are swimming around in my head like sperm, drawings i can't sketch, melodies i can't transcribe to actual music, words i9 can't put to lyrics and sentences that arent prose.... plus school.... i find it such a waste of time.... i can't stand school anymore..... i'm too fuckin' old for this shit.... thankfully i'll be done with this garbage next semester...
now playing: untitled - interpol
i love how gloomy interpol is.... not as gloomy or wrist slashingly depressing as joy division but close enough..... lot's of new wave and doom in my playlists now.... kinda reflective of my mood i guess..... yeah.... the mary onettes (like marionettes!!!).... love them... they're cool...
now playing: Cler Achel - Tinariwen
i am man PMS-ing like a mofo.... sadly i have to fuckin' take care of everyone around me before i can say a thing.... agreed i've done this my whole life but shit's starting to stink....
my vivid dreams are back.... i've had this dream about heather, my brother and i being at the beach atleast twice now.... i've been having dreams or arun moving down from canada.... on of those dreams i can't forget though..... something about the two of us renting a house in orlando or something... it was cool...
now playing: pleasure songs - the mary onettes (!!!!)
i need to get out of this funk... i wonder what i'll do about it?... everything pisses me off right now...... oh well... i think i'll stop now.... it's almost 4 in the morning and i'm wide awake.... my allergies have kicked in hardcore and i can't breathe lying down..... tonight sucks!....