
Post A Comment About A Darling Disaster

sound : Lament For The Auroch - the Sword

hey.... how you feeling?..... i hope better... seriously..... i feel like shit.... so yeah, i guess we both are in the same boat (somewhat)....

be happy you werent at work today.... it was a fucking mess.... truly..... i was a nervous wreck trying to gather up the balls to tell her..... i tried calling noreen for help but she was busy and told me she'd call me later (she didnt, i guess she forgot)..... well... after lunch i kinda blurt it out to her....

me: bev, ive got something to say (hands letter to her).... im giving in my two weeks notice....

bev: oh no, not you....

me: i'm sorry....

bev: (furious) ITS HECTOR RIGHT?!?!

me: (by now im about an inch tall, covering under my own skin)..... yes....


seriously.... she was pissed as hell... ive never seen bev so angry before.... she had smoke coming out of her ass.....


seriously... she said that..... she was so damn pissed...... she didnt speak to me the rest of the day..... diane came down and spoke to me and renee too..... bev didnt speak to me the rest of the day.... she'd make these comments loud enough that i can hear it but not all too loud..... make me feel all slimey and reptile-like.....

bah.... i hope that entertained you... but seriously... whats with the "leaving" message?....


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