
Nov 5th at The Social, Orlando

Saul Williams





Gesellschaft ist tott

(Pardon the grammatically erroneous German)

What is it that makes one "cool"? Is it the awesome (yet unknown) band's tee they're wearing? or is it the expensive, sweat-shop produced, bedazzled, (super-) low v-necked tee they're rocking? The $700 pumps from Milan? Or maybe its the $200 coloring job on their hair?

It's exclusivity.

By exclusivity I'm not just talking about monetary exclusivity or rarity, this could also stand for people's ideas, thoughts or even behavior. the Masons were a super-exclusive society of the major figures of history passed, were all these people cool? I doubt it.

So how do you take it when somebody calls you cool? Are you supposed to thank them? Doesn't that make you uncool? Or are you supposed to brush them off and tell them to fuck off?

And if you are the one people claim as being cool, do you actually feel cool? Don't lie to yourself, do you? Do you feel like the whole world revolves around your little finger? Do you feel like your "coolness" is so heavy that there are a bunch of uncool social-peasants orbiting around your kingly cool?

So, do you actually feel cool?

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not giving my ego a Ron Jeremy style mono-person blow job, but people call me cool all the time. Why they do so is beyond me. Agreed, I am somewhat of a musical Christopher Columbus, I can hold my own in an intelligent conversation (if I feel like it), I have Bozo the Clown's sense of humor and mirrors don't shatter when I look into them. I'm not calling myself the super-erudite Adonis of every male-loving person's dreams, I'm just saying I'm competent.

So why exactly am I cool? I don't try to be cool, I don't own any good clothing to speak of, everything i own is old/torn/thrift store bought (and I don't mean that in a cool way). I'd like to have some new clothes that fit me better but the means are beyond me.

I guess nowadays coolness is the same as having style. People follow trends and fashions and try to be stylish all the time, take for example Mr. Too-fuckin'-cool-to-be-here (I am currently in a food court in a mall in Tampa, FL). He's an amalgamation of everything that's considered cool nowadays (admittedly not by everyone): a precariously cocked baseball cap, a dragon embroidered shirt, jeans that look like he killed a couple of small Ethiopian children to pay for with their blood, neon colored sneakers that are a few sizes too big, carefully shaved hairline (with fake edges) and a trixie-looking girlfriend perched on fifteen foot tall stilts that double as high-heeled shoes. Basically this gentleman of urban-decadence is the prime example of our society's ideal cool.

Do you think he's cool? Maybe my description's not good enough (or slightly embellished) but to me the man looks like the epitome of materialistic douche-baggery. Him and Ms. Plastic-titted-Barbie-wannabe; who is looking at poor little me with such disdain, with my unshaven face, tousled hair and poor-man's shorts: aka cut-off jeans (I will be touching up on this in a few minutes), and lint-laden hoodie (It's a chilly day for fuck's sake!) Let me throw her a little smile, there. Now where was I? yes, These two are prime examples of how we now live in a Subway society.

"Subway society? What the fuck is that?" you ask. Patience little one, i am about to tell you.

When you walk into a Subway restaurant you are tempted to pile on every topping you see onto your sandwich just because it is there. people are the same way about their lives, piling on clothing and chemicals and possessions and little pieces of papers proclaiming them social gods, therefore - Subway society. Get it?

So we live in a Subway society, how do we break away from piling our lives with "stuff"? - i really don't know but awareness is the first step. Acceptance would be good too but being aware is good enough for now. Change will come soon after.

Wait! I said I'll talk about cut-off shorts, so here. The re-emergence of this long dead style is linked to the rise in popularity of biking. Full length pants aren't ideal for biking. I have cut most of my jeans into jorts (Jeans-shORTS - JORTS... ta-da!) because i do not own a car right now and I bike everywhere. jorts are now considered the non-mainstream mainstream cool because it is the unnoficial uniform of the bicycling bunch. Butt the more popular and "cool" biking becomes, the fashion and the attitudes of the whole "scene" becomes cooler still, so much so that you see douchebagsgs jumping out of their SUVs wearing jorts and Bicycle hats jusbecausese they are "cool". this is the kind odouchech-baggery I wanted to write about but ended up going on an almost-introspective tangent on. If I have bored you, I apologize.

But let this be known, Your greed and the pursuit of "cool" is the death of society.

Society is dead.

Gesellschaft ist tott.